Together, in small embodied steps.

Somatic Movement Education and Therapy (RSME, RSMT)

Learning to bear the uncomfortable, often destabilising sensations of being human is a difficult and even times terrifying journey. No human life is without some great struggle and very likely, many little/big ruptures along the way. And while we are resilient creatures with incredible capacity to carry on at all costs, the trouble is - there really are costs. Our relationships suffer, our work suffers, our bodies struggle to be well and our own minds can be a harrowing place to live. Talk therapy can help us find ways to make sense of what has happened to us and offer useful reframing, but it doesn’t often deal with the underlying physical memories that return us over and over to the same hurts and the same behaviours. We are feeling beings, and we heal and mature through feeling, movement and language in safe, connected relationships. We all have the innate intelligence to move toward wellbeing when we register a caring environment, where authentic connection is possible. In this kind of setting, with skilful guidance and a titrated approach (meaning a little at a time) and at our own time, we can begin to metabolise our experiences and update our nervous systems and sense of self to a reality in the here and now.

The work of Peter Levin - Somatic experiencing, Pat Ogden, PHD - sensorimotor psychotherapy, Bessel van der Kolk, MD, author of ‘The body keeps the score’, and many others in the field of trauma informed somatics, inform Somatic movement therapy.

My practice is also informed also by my study and practice of yoga and ‘embodied anatomy, physiology and developmental movement’.

To find out more feel free to contact me.