“(s)he to whom Nature begins to reveal her open secret will feel an irresistible urge for her most worthy interpreter, Art”
Terra Soma™; the dreaming earth
“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
-Lilla Watson
“Ṛta - Art, ritual, order … Ṛta - the order of the universe, the pattern through which nature expresses … cosmic order, golden ratios, the spiralling of galaxies, the grand design of the insects wing, and the finger whirl, and the shape of the leaf…. Ṛta is the great natural balance, the great natural pattern… Ṛta refers to the pattern of creation, and also to ritual … Ritual is a way of reestablishing our connection to the great order of the cosmos, to the great pattern of creation, to the pattern of nature.”
- Josh Schrei, the emerald podcast.
We need each other in consistent patterns / rhythms of accountability, forgiveness and remembering.
Without the vibrant clang of our togetherness in regular rhythmic pulse our practices fade. There is necessity to the viscosity and volume of the sacred in our shared practice. Ritual ought to be loud enough and thick enough, ordinary enough and inclusive enough, to shake the dust and touch us deeply. Then, the hum that reverberates through our days post ritual will be potent enough to sustain a sacred attention throughout all action. And this is the end goal of the yoga - awake to sacred in all things, living as libation to life.
And as that resounding hum of our togetherness lulls, because it does, we ought not be far from the clang and clammer, the relief - release - remembering of the next collective ritual.
In ritual space’s where we are reclaimed by union and educated in revelation our lives re-align with Spirit, our actions then flow forth from true virtue, cosmic order, right relation.
For my own sense and beauty making, for self and community remembrance, I turn over and over to Awakening Arts. Each year we pulse into and through retreats and trainings designed to nurture self, community and ecological embodiment. By joining our trainings you join a diverse community of movers, dancers, yogis, accamdemics, artists, humans hungry for depth and willing/wanting to be the change.